Where do I begin? My littlest brother is married! Aside from feeling a bit old, I am beyond excited to have blended families with some of the most amazing people ever. It was quite a different thing to be Photographer, Sister, and Mommy all at the same time, but I managed to pull off both (I think...maybe you should ask them! lol), but not without much help from everyone, especially Gramma and Grampa and Aunt Stefanie.
So since it's my site and I can do whatever I wanna (neener neener), I will now post WAY too many photos of the day. I can't help myself! I will have some notes along the way to help tell the story, but the photos do a pretty good job of letting you see our true colors. ;-)
Seeing her for the first time...
Wind...a photographer's best friend. (note the sarcasm) Worked out with these, though. ;)
I snuck in for one, still in work clothes lol
Kudos to the best second shooter ever for the shot below! Love you babe! ;-)
She accidentally said "absolutely" instead of "I do" and then got all embarrassed...it was perfect!
Photo on left: Leah has started this thing where she puts her finger on her chin and says, "Hmmm, chicken..." lolol. Right: One of four I ended up in!
Giant family photo of both sides, his and hers. A lot of hers was missing, though, so it's mostly our huge clan! A big thank you to the fellow photographer attending who volunteered to help out with this one! (if you're family wanting a copy, follow the contact form above and specify color or black and white and I will e-mail it to you!)