Aug 28, 2009


I'm trying hard to get back into a good routine of exercise...walking, pilates on my ball, etc. I'm not doing so hot! Went to the doctor yesterday for my 6 week check-up and I gained a pound from my last appointment! Arg! Anyway, we went and walked the lake the other day and I got all sorts of teasing for putting the headband on her. It was just so cute! Trying to get up the ambition to go again today...I might end up just taking a nap!

Aug 23, 2009

Mt. St. Helens Wedding

I was so excited about these shots I couldn't wait to share! Got to do a helicopter tour of Mt. St. Helens after the ceremony with the bride and groom. Too cool! Thanks for letting me share the experience! Congrats Leif and Jenny! Have fun in Mexico!

Aug 21, 2009

The S Family Portraits

I had the privilege of joining the S family at their home on Tuesday evening for some relaxed family portraits. They were a delight! The kids were just adorable! Here are a few of my favorites.

Aug 7, 2009

Our Baby Girl

What more can I say that her beautiful face doesn't? After a long hard labor that ended up in a c-section, this was the end result...this little person that couldn't be more perfect. I never imagined I could love something so much!