Mar 23, 2010

{Sisters} Longview Family Children Photographer

Wow....back to the land of blogging!  I've had one crazy week, including a computer breakdown, a top-teething 8 month old crankypants, dog-sitting, and to top it all off a horrible cold.  Now that my computer is up and running again (and the baby is sleeping!) I thought I would post a few pictures that I'm re-working and touching up for a recent order from 'grandma.'  :)  These little munchkins are our cousins and I had the privilege of kidnapping them for awhile and taking them to the park with my hubby (this was nearly two years ago before we had our own).  Here are a few of my favorite shots...oldies but goodies!!! 

Mar 9, 2010

{Senior Rep Sessions} Longview Kelso Washington Senior Photographer

This past weekend I had the privilege of doing two senior rep sessions back to back.  These kids were so photogenic and so much fun to work with, I am SO excited about how all of these shots turned out. 

Book your senior session today!  Senior reps (High School Juniors or Seniors) are only $50/session and you get a full online gallery and a bunch of wallets to hand out to friends!  Call soon, spring and summer filling up fast...360.751.7289

Enjoy your preview you gorgeous young things!!!

Kirstyn and Gregg, all dressed up for Winter Ball!

Hannah, High School Junior:

Mar 4, 2010

{Ah, sunshine!} Longview Kelso Washington Photographer

I couldn't help myself...we snuck out to the back yard for some pictures in the sunshine.  I'm so excited about this shot because you can finally see the true color of my baby's eyes!  In her other indoor shots, they always look brown!  Can't WAIT for warmer weather when I can dress her up in puffy skirts and flowers and play in the grass!!!  Enjoy the beautiful day!