Dec 31, 2009

{Hitched} Mr. & Mrs. K

Woo Hoo!  In spite of a terrible week (see my last post), I managed to finish the preview for this GORGEOUS couple and their fabulous wedding that we were able to be a part of a couple of weeks ago.  Sorry about posting SO many, but I had too many favorites and wanted to share as much of the day as possible (although this doesn't even come close!).  Hope you love 'em!

The groomsman on the end was bummed because the bride was a tiny little thing...too short for him to hold on probably figured it out already, but yes, the bridesmaids dropped the groom...

Kudos to my hubby for these last two killer shots!

Oh, but there are so many more I want to share!!!  They will all be online for you to order within the month...:)

Dec 27, 2009

{In Loving Memory - Justin Florek}

Words cannot possibly express the deep loss our family is feeling over the death of our beloved Justin.  I hesitated to post anything on my blog, but I just had to share a few photos...that's what I do best, I guess.  If I can't say it in words, at least maybe I can try and convey it by capturing a moment in time and preserving it for those whom I love.  It has made me realize that anything can happen at any moment to any one of us and sometimes photographs and memories are all we have left.

Justin could brighten a room with his sense of humor...and adventure.  :)  We go rafting every year as a family, and we have many memories of us all together on those perfectly hot days in the mid-summer heat, floating down the river singing or having water fights.  He would want us to be remembering and smiling right now.  These pictures make me laugh.  And cry.  Please feel free to leave a comment and share your feelings and memories as we all heal. 

Lots and lots of love - Lucas and Krista

With his beautiful wife, Amber

Dec 24, 2009

Homepage down...ugh

My webpage just crashed and I had to re-direct my domain to a different host.  My pricing and information pages are all down and it will take me awhile to get it fixed.  Please feel free to browse my work here, see the link to my online gallery and ordering page, or guestbook.  For pricing and information, check back soon or give me a call!  360.751.7289

Dec 21, 2009

{Beautiful Bride}

I'm so excited about some of these shots, I just had to post a few.  I'll have more from this wedding in the days to come, but I was too eager to wait until I had them finished!  Mrs. K is such a beautiful bride, and the entire family was a pleasure to work with.  Congrats and thank you for choosing us to share your day!

Had to have some fun with this one...

LOVE the night shot!

Check back later for the rest!

Dec 18, 2009


So I'm shooting a wedding tomorrow, and I always like to get inspired and mess around with some post-processing techniques before the big day.  This one is magic!  Anyone afraid to have a close-up photo taken because of not-so-flawless skin (including myself!) can just relax...with just a few steps, anyone can have a perfect, glowing portrait.  Here are some before and after shots. And let me just say, these girls are gorgeous to begin with, so I didn't have a ton of flaws in the first place.  :)

In this instance, the lighting was a bit harsh and created some shadows.  Neat picture, but skin is too dark and looks harsh. 



This one is just a really tight shot...this girl has nearly flawless skin anyway, but a few subltle changes just make her glow:



So, ta da!  Magic! Post-processing is something I do for all of my clients at no additional cost, and I spend extra time on wedding and senior portraits.  Call today to book your session!  360.751.7289

Dec 14, 2009

5 Months

I honestly can't believe how fast time is seems like I just finished her 4 month pictures (my baby girl, for those of you just tuning in...)  I get more and more excited each month as she grows and I'm able to expiriment and get creative!  She can't quite sit up on her own yet, but almost.  Maybe for her 6 month portraits...I have something special planned! 

Dec 5, 2009

Snowflake Sessions

Winter is almost here!  The cold weather certainly is, and it has inspired me to run another seasonal promotion.  $129 Snowflake Sessions, complete with a "theme" that you choose and your images with a print release.  Click here for more details.  In the meantime, I have posted a couple of pics from the snow storm last year that got me excited to see some flakes...hopefully soon!

Dec 1, 2009

{Puppy Love} - Family Pet Photography

I am so excited about these pictures!  My sister-in-law really wanted some professional shots of her baby (6 1/2), Demi.  I just got a new camera and was more than eager to use it, and it was a PERFECT evening with the most beautiful sunset.  We even messed around with some off camera flash.  All together, this was a GREAT shoot with an absolutely gorgeous dog (and owner!) ;)