Dec 27, 2009

{In Loving Memory - Justin Florek}

Words cannot possibly express the deep loss our family is feeling over the death of our beloved Justin.  I hesitated to post anything on my blog, but I just had to share a few photos...that's what I do best, I guess.  If I can't say it in words, at least maybe I can try and convey it by capturing a moment in time and preserving it for those whom I love.  It has made me realize that anything can happen at any moment to any one of us and sometimes photographs and memories are all we have left.

Justin could brighten a room with his sense of humor...and adventure.  :)  We go rafting every year as a family, and we have many memories of us all together on those perfectly hot days in the mid-summer heat, floating down the river singing or having water fights.  He would want us to be remembering and smiling right now.  These pictures make me laugh.  And cry.  Please feel free to leave a comment and share your feelings and memories as we all heal. 

Lots and lots of love - Lucas and Krista

With his beautiful wife, Amber


  1. beautiful pics Krista thanks for sharing, Megan Moon

  2. Beautiful, thank you so much for sharing. He is so missed.

  3. These are fantastic pictures of Justin... You really captured those moments... I especially love the one with his hands up after he has conquered the rapids! That is sooo Justin! He will be remembered and loved...

  4. Awesome pics!!!

    Justin was a great co-worker, and an even better friend.

    Bye Plumey.



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